SIGN UP FOR EHR at Hope ev
This course will meet in person on Sundays after service from 1:00pm - 3:00pm from October 10 - December 12 (we will be off Oct 31 and Nov 28). We ask that if you register you commit to being present for all 8 weeks. Lunch will be provided at each session. We have a cap of 24 participants for this course so please register ASAP if you’re interested!
The cost for the course is $20, which will go toward covering cost of materials. Scholarships are available, so please do not let cost be a hindrance to you. Please email Pastor Chelsea ( if you are in need of financial assistance. You can give through our online portal and by selecting “EHR Course” in the dropdown menu, or through Venmo or Chase Quickpay. Please put “EHR Course” in the memo if you are giving through Venmo or Chase QP.