What is Extending Hope?

Extending Hope is an opportunity for us as a church to practice living generously through giving beyond our normal offering to bless certain individuals and organizations that are doing important Kingdom work in our city. Our campaign this year will begin on the first Sunday of Advent, Dec 1, and run through the end of the year. Every penny raised through Extending Hope is given away to support the work of these organizations.

Where will our giving go for Extending Hope 2019?

This year we will be supporting the individuals and organizations listed below:

Intervarsity christian fellowship

The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture, and God’s purposes in the world. Extending Hope will support the InterVarsity ministries of:

  • Emily Yung - IV Campus Staff at NYU who attends Hope East Village

  • Jordan Varghese - IV Campus Staff at Brooklyn College who attends Hope East Village

  • Chelsea Whitfield - IV Staff serving International Students in the NY Metro Area who attends Hope East Village

the father’s heart ministries

The Father’s Heart Ministries is a 501(c)(3) organization, incorporated in 1997 to fulfill our mission of helping people move from dependency to dignity and from poverty to prosperity. Needs are addressed through a variety of programs – Hunger Prevention – soup kitchen and food pantry where guests can access food stamps, free legal advice from Open Hands Legal Services and social service referrals – KidZone for children and their families, GED preparation, tutoring and ESL classes, men's transition program, and our job-training/mentoring program for teens, Alphabet Scoop. All of our programs are designed to fulfill our core values of unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness and commitment to those we serve and to help them move forward in life.

Hope East Village has built a partnership with The Father’s Heart, and many of our people have served there in various capacities over the past 2 years.

cru nyc millenials

Everything we do focuses on adding value to what God is already doing in NYC and unleashing women & men in their defining decade to: Navigate & thrive in the transitions into adulthood, connect disconnected people to Jesus & His people, develop leaders to shape culture for God's Kingdom. Extending Hope will support the CRU NYC ministry of:

  • Matt & Erin Kay - The Kays are Cru NYC staff who primarily serve us at Hope East Village. They are also involved in ministry with Cru that extends across NYC.

What is our goal?

Our goal for Extending Hope 2019 is to raise $12,000 for the ministries listed above.

Currently Raised: $1,718.00 (Last updated 12/22)

Left to go: $10,282

How do I give?

You can give through our regular giving vehicles (see here). Just be sure to mark ‘Ext. Hope’ in the memo line. If you choose to give via our online portal, please send an email to hopeevfinance@gmail.com to let our Finance Team know the date of your gift, the amount of your gift, and that it is intended for Extending Hope.

Will we have a match this year?

No, this year we will not have a matching gift