What is Lectio Divina?

Lectio Divina is a Latin term that means “divine reading” and it is a slow and reflective way of engaging the Scripture so that you can really open yourself up to what God wants to say to you. It is an ancient monastic practice that was first established in the 6th century by Saint Benedict. In Lectio Divina, you are basically taking a passage in the Bible and reading it over and over again and really soaking it in. As an analogy, it is like how a cow chews partly digested food, regurgitates it and chews it again and again until it gets digested. The process of Lectio Divina will definitely require you to slow down and be patient as you literally chew on the Bible passage. It involves reading a selected passage 3-4 times, where each reading is followed by different activities to help you connect with God.

How to Practice Lectio Divina:

Use the simple acronym​ ​T.I.M.E.​ to help you remember the process of Lectio Divina.

First prepare your heart to encounter God through God’s Word. Sit in silence, take a few deep breaths and ask the Holy Spirit to come and guide you.

  1. TEXT​ ​-​ ​(Objective​ ​Focus)​ - Read the passage slowly and aloud for the​ ​first​ ​time​ ​and let the words sink in. Take the next 2 minutes (or however long or short you want) of silence to identify key words or phrases that strike you. This portion of Lectio Divina asks, “What are the main ideas of the passage?” This is the time for a studied examination of the passage when you identify the objective dimensions of it’s meaning. You can read commentaries and look up meanings of words if you wish.

  2. IMMERSE​ ​(Subjective​ ​Focus)​ - Read the passage slowly and aloud for the second​ ​time​. Take the next few minutes of silence to meditate on what the passage personally means for you. While the first reading sought the text’s objective meaning, now we are reflecting on subjective meanings and personal associations that come to mind. Use your sanctified imagination to enter into the text - What do you see, feel, hear as you enter the scene? “What are you feeling as you read the text?” “What personal longing is God speaking into?” God may give you a picture or a living (rhema) word at this time. Take what God gives you and unpack it. Explore it with God.

  3. MINISTRY​ (Prayer​ ​&​ ​Response)​ ​- Read the passage slowly and aloud for the third​ ​time​. Take the next few minutes of silence to see what prayers emerge and stir up within you based on the previous two movements. “What is God inviting you into through this text and how will you respond?” Pray them out to the Lord. The goal here is intimacy with God so this may be a time to simply dialogue with God, to wrestle with God or to do something God asks you to do.

  4. ENCOUNTER​ ​(Resting)​ ​- You can read the passage for the fourth​ ​time​ if you would like. It’s optional at this point. During these last few moments of silence, simply dwell in God’s presence and rest in what God said to you. This is the time to let God’s living Word soak into you for your ongoing formation.