Frequently asked questions

Why this merger?

The leadership of Hope East Village and Sanctuary Church believe that our respective mission(s) can be accomplished better together rather than apart.

We believe there is mutual benefit in this partnership that will allow for both churches to flourish in mission and ministry for generations to come.

How was this decision made?

In January of 2021, Pastor Guy Wasko announced that he would be stepping down as lead pastor of Sanctuary Church. Once this announcement was made, the church council, the leadership team of Sanctuary Church, reached out to Pastor Drew Jackson and Drew Hyun (Pastor of Hope Midtown and Founder of Hope Church NYC) to open up a discussion as to whether we would consider the possibility of having the Sanctuary congregation merge with Hope East Village. Prior to entering into any formal conversation, Guy Wasko had floated this idea to Pastor Drew and Drew Hyun before officially announcing that he was stepping down. As our neighbor in the East Village, the leadership at Hope East Village wanted to come alongside Sanctuary to support them during this time of transition, whether that was informally or exploring a more formal partnership such as a merger.

The leadership teams from Sanctuary and Hope East Village began to meet, pray, and discern what the best course of action would be, while consulting Drew Hyun as a third party. At the time, Sanctuary was also considering one other option with another church. After several discussions and much prayer, the leadership teams from Sanctuary and Hope East Village discerned God leading us in the direction of a merger.

What will the leadership structure be once both churches merge?

Pastor Drew will continue to serve as Lead Pastor and Pastor Chelsea will continue in her role as Pastor of Discipleship and Formation. The Transitional Leadership Team will continue to exist with added representation from Sanctuary’s congregation

We are currently working to integrate Sanctuary’s ministry leadership into the current structures of ministry at Hope East Village.

What is the timeline for this merger?

The formal timeline involves 5 distinct phases:

  1. Exploration and Relationship-Building (Jan 2021 - Mar 2021)

    1. Here we began to explore the possibility of a merger. At the end of this period, both leadership teams announced to congregations that we would be heading in the direction of a merger.

  2. Negotiation and Courtship (Mar 2021 - Apr 2021)

    1. Leadership teams entered into more formal talks toward merger, identifying important areas that need to be discussed, and had those conversations. Once the conversations were had, and each congregation had time to bring forward questions/concerns, we gave our definitive “yes” to a merger. We began working out a timeline.

  3. Implementation and Engagement (Apr 2021 - May 2021)

    1. Here we map out leadership integration, begin to have congregations get to know each other through various means, and make necessary plans for the dissolving of Sanctuary and fully integrating with Hope East Village.

  4. Consolidation and Wedding (May 2021)

    1. Here is when Sanctuary will hold their final service, and the two congregations will have their inaugural service as one new church body. We will be having an inaugural worship service on May 16.

  5. Integration and Marriage (Jun 2021 - Dec 2021)

    1. We continue to work out becoming one congregation and tying up any loose ends that need to be tied up. 

What is happening with Sanctuary’s building?

Both leadership teams are currently working together to prayerfully decide what is the best course of action concerning the building. We are seeking to listen to the Spirit’s leading, and with that, being well-informed and financially wise in this decision.

What are the financial implications? Where should I direct my giving?

Hope East Village and Sanctuary will be merging bank accounts. You can find all giving instructions here.

What affiliations will Sanctuary have in merging with Hope EV?

Hope East Village is part of the Hope Church NYC family of churches and the Evangelical Covenant Church denomination. We have also been supported by the New City Network and Redeemer City to City, and we thus have loose affiliations with those networks as well. 

What does this merger mean for Sanctuary, practically and operationally? 

This answer is multi-fold: 

  1. Since Sanctuary’s time is officially coming to an end, Sanctuary will be taking on Hope East Village’s name along with its mission and values through this merger.

  2. Once this merger is complete, Sanctuary will join Hope East Village for Sunday church service, which means Sanctuary’s church service time will change to 5 p.m. on Sunday evenings. 

Where can I direct questions that may arise?

You can send any questions you may have to