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Summer Listening Project

The goal of the Summer Listening Project is to help form the Hope EV community in a posture of humility as we learn in a deeper way what it means for us to listen well to God, to one another, and to our neighborhood. Out of our listening our desire is that we would both be formed more deeply as disciples of Jesus, as well as have a deeper sense of where God is leading us as a church in our next season. We do not want to just do things for the sake of doing them, but because the Holy Spirit is leading us to; but in order to be led, we need to learn to listen.

There will be four arms to the Summer Listening Project:

  1. Non-Profits/Community Orgs - This team will lean in to listen to what Jesus is up to among the non-profits of our neighborhood.
  2. Prayer Walks - This team will walk in a posture of prayer through the neighborhood, praying for the streets, avenues, and people of our neighborhood.
  3. Community Board Meetings - This team will lean in and listen to what Jesus is up to at different community board meetings regarding issues such as housing, education, etc..As we listen we hope to get a better sense of what the pressing needs of our neighbors are and discern how God is leading us to do the work of justice for the sake of our neighborhood.
  4. Summer Tables - This team will intentionally be listening for what Jesus is up to as we gather around the table with one another and share our stories

We encourage you to plug in to one of these teams! If you're interested, please email Pastor Drew (here) and let him know which team you'd like to be part of. 

Earlier Event: June 2
Women of Hope - Shine 2018
Later Event: June 10
HopeKids Interest Meeting